Magic Bag: The Best Companion for All Your Summer Activities

Ah summer! The perfect season to step outside and enjoy the nice weather. From early morning hikes to lazy afternoons floating in the pool, summer is a time to kick back and relax and make the most of the longest days of the year. Yet despite the season’s laid-back vibes, summer does have its share of pesky aches, pains, and annoyances. But fear not, Magic Bag is here to help! Whether to reduce inflammation, relieve sore, stiff muscles, or soothe mosquito bites, Magic Bag hot and cold compresses are a must-have for your summer activities.

swolen ankle with a cold compress

Sprained ankles

Unfortunately, many of our favourite summer activities—running, team and individual sports, hiking, and other outdoor exercise—carry the risk of spraining an ankle. For example, ankle sprains can result from running on an uneven surface. Or you can easily roll or twist your ankle on the hiking trail or chasing down a tennis ball. Regardless of the cause, sprains can be painful. Luckily, minor sprains can be treated at home with the RICE technique and will usually heal within a few days to a week.

  • Rest: stay off the joint and give it time to heal.
  • Ice: apply a cold Magic Bag compress to the affected area to reduce inflammation and swelling.
  • Compression: wrap the joint in a bandage or trainer’s tape to reduce swelling.
  • Elevation: try to keep the joint elevated above the heart to reduce swelling.

leg with a mosquito bite

Mosquito bites

No matter how much insect repellent you apply, those pesky mosquitoes catch up with you eventually. And after a day spent in the great outdoors, many of us will come home covered in bug bites. Luckily, there are a few home remedies you can try to help reduce inflammation and relieve that annoying itch. Applying a cold Magic Bag compress can reduce swelling and numb the nerves that send the “itch” signal to our brains. You can also use a hot Magic Bag compress to target the nerves and open up the pores to release itch-causing toxins more easily.

Arthritis pain

If you suffer from arthritis then you know how weather can impact joint pain and inflammation. For some, summer humidity can considerably worsen arthritis symptoms. When this happens, both hold and cold therapy can provide relief. You may need some trial and error to figure out which works best for you. Applying a cold pack such as a Magic Bag cold compress can reduce inflammation and swelling and soothe joint paint. On the other hand, applying a hot Magic Bag compress can also soothe symptoms by dilating blood vessels, stimulating blood flow, reducing muscle spasms, and even altering how you perceive pain.


cold compress on knee


Swollen legs and feet

Veins can become excessively dilated and small valves weakened when the mercury climbs. This makes it difficult for veins to pump blood back to the heart. This poor circulation then causes fluid retention in the legs, and, in turn, causes heavy legs, leg aches, swelling (edema), and discomfort. In addition to wearing compression socks to improve blood flow, applying a cold compress to the feet or legs can help reduce inflammation and swelling.

 using a cold compress on a heat wave day



When heatwaves hit, staying cool, especially without air conditioning, can be challenging. A recent USA Today article explains how you can quickly cool down your body by applying something cold to your pulse points. This simple summer hack can work wonders to get your body temperature down fast. Apply a cold Magic Bag to one or more pulse points for 10 to 15 minutes. And remember to drink plenty of water and stay out of the sun as much as possible during heatwaves to prevent heatstroke.

travel size warm/cold compress


Do not let your aches and pains slow you down on your travels. Pack our practical Magic Bag Travel Pad in your suitcase and be ready to nurse any discomfort—from headaches to stiff joints to lower back pain from sleeping on that lumpy hotel mattress—and make sure you never miss a thing. 

Summer is the perfect time to get outdoors and have fun. Make the most of the season with Magic Bag by your side. Available in a wide range of sizes and even practical travel formats, Magic Bag is a must-have for all your seasonal activities.